Florida State Nuclear Physics Seminar

Location: 7th Floor Seminar Room (Keen Bldg)
Time: Fridays at 2:30 p.m.

[ Past Seminars ] [ Current Seminar ] [ Next Seminar ]
 Date  Description
August 2015
24 Fall Term Begins
28 First Week of Classes
September 2015
4 -
11 Pei-Luan Tai (FSU): canceled
18 -
25 Dr. Trisha A. Hinners (Northrop Grumman Research and Technology): "NG Next - Basic Research"
October 2015
2 Dr. Calem Hoffman (Argonne National Lab): "HELIOS and the ATLAS In-Flight Program: Past, Present, and Future"
9 Dr. Sergio Almaraz (FSU): "Constraining the Destruction Rates of Galactic 26Al using an Isomeric 26Al Beam"
16 Dr. Simon Capstick (FSU): canceled
  1. Konstantinos Kravvaris (FSU): "The cluster nucleon configuration interaction model"
  2. Bradford Cannon (FSU): "The Time-of-Flight Detector in Hall D at Jefferson Lab"
  1. DNP Meeting, Santa Fe
  2. Wei-Chia Chen (FSU): "Relativistic Mean Field Models for Finite Nuclei and Neutron Stars" (Thesis Defense)
November 2015
  1. Hiram Menendez (FSU): "An Introduction to Polarization Observables: Their Role in Modern Hadronic Physics."
  2. Christopher Zeoli (FSU): "A Dalitz Plot Analysis & Extraction of Spin Density Matrix Elements for the ω → 3π Decay"
13 Homecoming: No classes after 1:10 p.m.
  1. Priyashree Roy (FSU): "Baryon Spectroscopy: Results on Polarization Observables in Vector-Meson Photoproduction at JLab"
  2. Kalisa Villafana (FSU): "Extreme Rotational Behavior in 179,180W and 160,161Lu"
27 Thanksgiving
December 2015
  1. Hussein Al-Ghoul (FSU): "The Photoproduction of Strange Mesons in γ p → Λ K+ π+ π- Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab"
  2. Rutger Dungan (FSU): "Unbound γ Decaying Intruder States in 19O"
11 Week of the Finals