Florida State Nuclear Physics Seminar

Location: 7th Floor Seminar Room (Keen Bldg)
Time: Fridays at 2:30 p.m.

[ Past Seminars ] [ Current Seminar ]
Date Description
January 2003
10 Planning Meeting
17 Eric Diffenderfer(FSU),"High-fold Angular Correlations Gone South"
24 Dr David Banks (FSU CS),"Visualizing the Nucleus and Nucleons"
31 John Pavin (FSU), "87Nb and Gnuscope"
February 2003
7 Dr. Curtis Meyer , Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA), "The Experimental Status if Gluonic Excitations"
14 Alexander Volya ,Argonne National Laboratory "Shell model in the continuum: toward nuclei far from stability"
[Nuclear Theory Faculty Candidate]
Dr. Klaus Peters , Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany) "Antiprotons at GSI"
Note the special time.
21 Dr. Raphael Hix, Oak Ridge National Laboratory "Core Collapse Supernovae: Understanding the Deaths of Massive Stars"
[Nuclear Theory Faculty Candidate]
28 Dr. Silas Beane ,University of Washington, Seattle "Nuclear forces from QCD"
[Nuclear Theory Faculty Candidate]
March 2003
7 Mathis Wiedeking (FSU), " Band Terminations in 86Zr"
21 ,
28 Lagy Baby (FSU),"Precision Measurement of the Proton Capture on 7Be and its siginificance in the neutrino oscillation studies."
April 2003
4 Rikki Roche (FSU) ,
[Thesis Defense] Starts at 2:45pm
11 Muslema Pervin (FSU), "Semileptonic Decay of Baryons in a Quark Potential Model"
18 Stacy Pouliot , "The Search for a Comprehensive Level and Decay Scheme for 25Na"
25 Last Day of FSU Classes