7th Floor Seminar Room (Keen Bldg)
Time: Fridays at 2:30 p.m.
[ Past Seminars ]
[ Current Seminar ]
Date | Description |
January 2007 | |
12 | |
19 | |
26 | |
30 | C. Gerardy (Imperial College, London): "New Observational Constraints on Thermonuclear Supernovae" TUESDAY, 2:30 PM |
February 2007 | |
2 | R. Quimby (UT Texas/Austin): "Astronomy in the Time Domain" |
6 | A. Serenelli (Princeton): "Trouble in Paradise, The Solar Abundance Problem" TUESDAY |
9 | |
16 | Umesh Garg (Notre Dame): "Nuclear Incompressibility: How Far Can You Squeeze a Star?" (cancelled) |
23 | Alexander Sakharuk (Florida Gulf Coast University): "Molecular Orbital Method for the Description of Light Nuclei" FRIDAY, 11:00 AM |
23 | I. Yoon (Santa Cruz): "Progenitor Stars of Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts" FRIDAY, 2:30 PM |
March 2007 | |
2 | |
9 | FSU Spring Break (FSU Closed) |
16 | Anatoli Afanasjev (Mississippi State University): "Physics in the Vicinity of the N=Z Line -- A Current Status" |
23 | Grigory Rogachev (FSU): "Spectroscopy of light exotic (and not so exotic) nuclei in resonance scattering" |
30 |
April 2007 | |
6 |
13 |
20 | Ingemar Ragnarsson (Lund University): "Calculating the nuclear mass at finite angular momenta." |
27 | Week of the Finals |