Florida State Nuclear Physics Seminar

Location: 7th Floor Seminar Room (Keen Bldg)
Time: Fridays at 2:30 p.m.

[ Past Seminars ] [ Current Seminar ]
 Date  Description
January 2013
First Week of Classes: "Qualifying Examinations"
11 Special Seminar    Sara Palmerini (University of Granada, Spain): "Nucleosynthesis and Mixing Phenomena During the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution"
18 Kirby Kemper (FSU): "DIANA Project-Accelerators underground"
25 Jeremiah Murphy (Princeton University): "A Theory for Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions"
February 2013
01 Tony Frawley (FSU): "The physics of long and short time scale interactions of J/psi in nuclei"
08 Rebecca Surman (Union College, NY): "Astrophysical synthesis of the heaviest elements"
15 Romualdo de Souza (Indiana University, Bloomington): "Examining the fusion of light nuclei with neutron-rich radioactive beams"
22 Anthony Kuchera (FSU): "Using ANASEN to study alpha-resonances in 10Be"
March 2013
01 Melina Avila (FSU): ANC measurements on ( 6Li, d) reactions
08 Alexander Ostrovidov (FSU): "Time-of-Flight detector for GlueX experiment"
15 FSU Spring Break
22 -
29 Ingo Wiedenhoever (FSU): "Teaching an old dog new tricks: Beam optics of the FSU Tandem-Linac"
April 2013
  1. Pei-Luan, Tai (FSU): TBA
  2. Justin von Moss (FSU): TBA
12 GHP/APS Spring Meeting
19 Mark Lingle (FSU): TBA
26 Catherine Deibel (Louisiana State University): TBA
May 2013
03 Week of the Finals
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013