Study Information for Midterm Exam


1. What will be on the test
2. Equation sheet
3. Test format
4. Examples of questions

1. What will be on the test

This test will will cover everything up to and including Chapter 9. Be sure to carefully review your notes, especially when we do things that are not covered very well in the book. Looking over the individual class days linked to the calendar on the class website will also help refresh your memory. For this test, you should be able to do the following things:

Chapter 0 - Measurement, Estimation, and Units

Chapter 1 - Concepts of Motion

Chapter 2 - Kinematics in One Dimension: The Mathematics of Motion

Chapter 3 - Vectors & Coordinate Systems

Chapter 4 - Kinematics in Two Dimensions

Chapter 5 - Force & Motion

Chapter 6 - Dynamics I: Motion along a Line

Chapter 7 - Newton's Third Law

 Chapter 8 - Dynamics II: Motion in a Plane
 Chapter 9 - Impulse and Momentum

2. Models and Equations to know

You need to know the following models & equations and under what conditions they can be applied. When you do calculations you will typically be expected to start with one of these and/or equations and to derive what you need for the specific problem. See comments in Section 1 above.

General Motion Model

Motion Definitions

One Dimensional Vectors

2D vectors


Constant Velocity model

Constant Acceleration Model

Momentum and impulse equations

Note that models also include Motion Diagrams, Pictorial Models, System Schema, Force (Free-Body) Diagrams

You should also know formulas for:

You are expected to know the following conversions (rules of thumb):

You will need to be able to derive specific equations you need from these equations listed above. You will be given any additional constants and conversion factors you need. Unless told otherwise, you may use 9.8 m/s2 for the gravitational constant on the surface of the Earth.

3. Test Format (subject to change):

Entire class on Wednesday, October 25, 2017
 Short-answer (conceptual) question
20 points
 Two problems similar to what you have done in your quizzes,
 whiteboards and worksheets, and   homework
55 points
 Short essay (may use equations, diagrams, graphs, etc., but no calculations)  
10 points
85 points

4. Some Practice Questions


Short essay

This will require a single paragraph answer. Often a drawing or reference to equations will be helpful in your answer. Take care to be very thorough in your discussion. The questions below have appeared on exams in a similar course in the past.

You may use diagrams and equations but no calculations in your response for this problem. USE WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED FROM CLASS SO FAR TO GIVE CONVINCING EXPLANATIONS OF YOUR ANSWER(S).

  1. Describe a real physical situation where the average velocity is zero while the average speed is not.
  2. You are helping two friends from our class with a physics problem where a cart is pushed up a ramp. In examining the motion of the cart up the ramp, one friend says that the acceleration has to be negative because the cart is slowing down. The other friend says the acceleration can be positive or negative, but it depends on the motion detector. What do you think and what would you say to your friends to convince them of your point of view?
  3. In the figure below is shown a graph of the velocity of a young boy riding his bicycle as a function of time. Write a "story" describing the boy's actions that lead to this graph (keep it short!). Where does the boy end up relative to where he starts?

    Bike trip
  4. Write a brief (one to two paragraph) essay discussing what a physicist means by a "force". Include a discussion of what the different kinds of forces are that we have talked about in this class and some of their properties.
  5. When I release a book in midair it falls to the ground. When I put it on a table, the book stays where it is. Discuss why the book on the table does not fall. How does the table know what to do?
  6. In the American League Championship game 7 between the Yankees and the Red Sox (which the Red Sox won to win the league championship and advance to the World Series) a batter hit a ball almost straight up. Explain what is happening to the ball in terms of the laws of motion we have studied. Illustrate your discussion using free-body diagrams and graphs of position, velocity, acceleration, and net force vs. time. Restrict your description to the time interval starting just after the ball has left the bat until just before it is caught.

  7. Why are anti-lock brakes on cars useful in wet weather conditions?

  8.  Explain EACH of Newton's laws of motion in your own words. Include real life examples in your explanation of each law.