College Physics B - PHY2054C
  Fall 2012

  Lectures: 101 Richards (UPL) - Monday and Wednesday from 10:10 AM to 11:00 AM

The laboratory sessions begin in Week 4 of the semester (09/17 - 09/21).

First-Day Attendance IN THE FIRST WEEK of the semester is NOT required for the laboratory.
If you do not meet the First-Day Attendance requirement for the first class meeting (lecture), you will also be dropped from the lab.

Laboratory Experiments

Any missed lab must be made up by arranging to attend another lab section that same week! Inform your own lab instructor about the situation as well as the instructor of the other lab section!

You cannot pass the course if you miss a lab!

The purpose of the laboratory sessions is to gain hands-on experience with experimental devices, to develop skills in performing experiments, to learn methods for analyzing scientific data, and to relate the physics concepts covered in class to real experimental situations. The lab experiments count as 15% of your overall grade. Each student must complete a lab report for each experiment, following the format prescribed by the lab instructor, before leaving at the end of the lab session.

 Section   Day   Time   Room   Instructor 
1  Monday   12:30 - 03:30 PM   Room 105   John Parker 
2  Monday   03:45 - 06:45 PM   Room 105   Sungkyun Park 
3  Tuesday   12:30 - 03:30 PM   Room 105   Sungkyun Park 
4  Tuesday   03:45 - 06:45 PM   Room 105   John Parker 
5  Tuesday   07:00 - 10:00 PM   Room 114   John Parker 
6  Wednesday   12:30 - 03:30 PM   Room 105   Kalisa Villafana 
7  Wednesday   03:45 - 06:45 PM   Room 105   Kalisa Villafana 
8  Thursday   12:30 - 03:30 PM   Room 105   Lily Stanley 
9  Thursday   03:45 - 06:45 PM   Room 105   Lily Stanley 

Laboratory Manuals and Schedule

 Dates   Chapter #   Tentative Topics   Lab Manual 
Week 1 08/27 - 08/31      
Week 2 09/03 - 09/07  Week of Labor Day 
Week 3 09/10 - 09/14      
Week 4 09/17 - 09/21   Chapters 17/18     Electric Field & Equipotential Lines   Electric Fields
Week 5 09/24 - 09/28 Chapter 19 Ohm's Law & Resistor Circuits Ohm's Law
Week 6 10/01 - 10/05 Chapter 20 Magnetic Field Magnetic Fields
Week 7 10/08 - 10/12   Thermistors & Wheatstone Bridge Thermistors
Week 8 10/15 - 10/19   Resistance, Galvanometer Meters
Week 9 10/22 - 10/26 Chapter 24 Lenses & Image Formation Lenses
Week 10 10/29 - 11/02   Oscilloscopes & AC Circuitry   Oscilloscopes   Appendix  
Week 11 11/05 - 11/09 Chapters 28/29 Diffraction Diffraction Grating
Week 12 11/12 - 11/16  Week of Veterans' Day 
Week 13 11/19 - 11/23  Thanksgiving Week 
  Week 14     11/26 - 11/30   Chapter 30 Emission Spectrum Radioactivity
Week 15 12/06 Make-up Lab (UPL 105, 12:30 - 03:30 PM)   Absorption of Gamma-Rays  
     Week of the Finals