Computational Physics Laboratory PHZ4151C/PHZ5156C
  Spring 2009

  Class Meetings: HCB 0219, Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:15 PM

  Office Hours: Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00 PM or upon appointment

  Course Text: David Yevick, A First Course in Computational Physics and Object-Oriented Programming with C++

5.15 Assignments

(6) Part I   Write a program that computes all factorials 1!, 2!, 3!, ... up to a number input from the keyboard. Declare all variables to be int. Enter the number 17 from the keyboard and, using the fact that an int is a 4-byte quantity in the gnu compiler, explain the output values by the program.

> ./program
Enter the number of factorials desired: 17

10! = 3628800
11! = 39916800
12! = 479001600
13! = 1932053504
14! = 1278945280
15! = 2004310016
16! = 2004189184
17! = -288522240

Explanation   The program begins producing incorrect results at 13! because the int data type is a 4-byte signed integer in the gnu compiler. Any number that is greater than the upper bound of 231-1 will not fit into a variable of int type, and any attempt to do so will result in an overflow and erroneous results.

Source Code

(6) Part II   Now show that, by changing a single variable declaration from int to double, you can reproduce the correct result for the first 17 factorials.

> ./program
Enter the number of factorials desired: 17

10! = 3.62880e+06
11! = 3.99168e+07
12! = 4.79002e+08
13! = 6.22702e+09
14! = 8.71783e+10
15! = 1.30767e+12
16! = 2.09228e+13
17! = 3.55687e+14

Explanation   Changing the declaration of variable "T" from int to double, provides a much greater range.

Source Code

(7) Part I   Type in and run the following program, which calculates the magnitude of the gravitational field of a point particle with a mass equal to the Earth's mass and display the results as either a contour plot, a color graph, or a three-dimensional line plot.

Example Plot:

Source Code

(7) Part II   Modified C++ program to yield the correct magnitude of the gravitational field both inside and outside of a spherical Earth of constant density.

Example Plot:

Source Code