The ADC's are configured using "/home/mpsdaq/e852/daq/bin/setupLGD -t". This will scan the crates for ADC's, ROC's, and the MAM, and configure them properly. It will issue warnings or errors when something goes wrong. When run with the "-DAQ" option, it will also send errors to the alarm server about problems. These errors are VERY important! If any errors are encountered, the LGD will not perform correctly. The output of setupLGD should look like this:
Reading map...done
Scanning crate for ADC's...done
0 : 24 ADC's at PA 0x10000018
1 : 24 ADC's at PA 0x11000018
2 : 24 ADC's at PA 0x12000018
3 : 24 ADC's at PA 0x13000018
ROC at 0x10000019
ROC at 0x10000019 will control segment 0 at 0x10000018
ROC at 0x11000019
ROC at 0x11000019 will control segment 1 at 0x11000018
ROC at 0x12000019
ROC at 0x12000019 will control segment 2 at 0x12000018
ROC at 0x13000019
ROC at 0x13000019 will control segment 3 at 0x13000018
Configuring segments as MDT groups...done
Building channel ID's...done
Downloading channel ID's...done
Downloading pedestal trim values...done
Downloading discriminator values...done
If FASTBUS errors are reported, the first thing to try is simply re-running the program. If it succeeds, everything is probably ok. If it continues to fail, there is something wrong in the hardware. If there are no ADC's found in a particular crate, the first thing to try is to reload the SI routing tables using /home/mpsdaq/e852/daq/bin/si. If this does not solve the problem, a DAQ expert needs to be called in to debug the problem. If individual ADC's or ROC's are missing, they are probably bad and need to be replaced. The same is true for the MAM.
FASTBUS errors reported during the configuring of the modules can indicate a problem with DAQ or a problem with the module. If the errors allways occur at the same place (i.e. loading the channel id's to the ADC at 0x12000015) it is probably the module that is bad. If they move around, there is something wrong in DAQ, and an expert should be called in.
Map errors generally occur for one of two reasoons:
Note that to configure the LGD for testing with the local trigger, you need to run setupLGD with no arguments.
The IU ADC's have user setable pedestals. There are 32 CSR's (0xc0000020 - 0xc0000039) that control the pedestal value for each channel. The possible values for the "pedestal trim" are 0 - 0xff. These values correspond to a DC offset applied to the integrator. With the value set to 0, the pedestal are actually negative (however, they still show up as zero when read out because of the digitation process). As the trim value is increased, the pedestal increses. For E852, the pedestals are set at a nominal value of 15 ADC counts.
There is a Motif based program for trimming the pedestals : /home/mpsdaq/e852/daq/bin/lgdPed. On-line help is available for this program, so not much detail will be presented here. The basic theory of it's operation is as follows:
The pedestals do not need to be re-trimmed often. They should be re-trimmed when an ADC module is replaced, however.
Note that the pedestals need to be trimmed seperately if you are using the local trigger to debug the LGD. This is done by clicking on the `Use local trigger' toggle.
Each ADC channel has 2 discriminatos, designated " high " and " low ". The low discriminator is used to control zero suppression on readout. The high discriminator is used to control zero suppression on MAM readout.
** 1/10/95 R.L.