E852 Documentation: GROUP_TrackPositions


Short description

This group is used to store track information at various detector planes, such as "tracks at TPX1, TPX2, TPX3 and LGD".



Call the function 'MakeTrackPositions' to create this group.

The detector planes used by this group are defined in the Map manager file: db-files.Map, subsystem: db-files, item: trackPositions. The format of the file is documented below.

Format of the file 'trackPositions.db'

Below is an example file that defined only one plane- BEGIN---
# trackPositions.db

trackPositions.nplanes: 1
trackPositions.0.name: CPV

trackPositions.CPV.distance:   290
trackPositions.CPV.normalVector: 0 0 1

# end file

Detector planes are defined by their normal vectors (the 'normalVector' line) and distance from origin (the 'distance' line).

To another detector called FOO, increment the 'nplanes' value in the 'trackPositions.nplanes' line, create the 'trackPositions.1.name: FOO' line and the corresponding 'trackPositions.FOO.distance' and 'trackPositions.FOO.normalVector' lines. That's all.

C.O. 1995-AUG-14