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3. Data structures

The values of the vectors that define the DEA geometry are stored in the data structure deaGeom_t, which is declared in deaGeom.h.

3.1 deaGeomBounds_t

Defines the boundaries of one DEA segment in the DEA-local coordinates

typedef struct
  double xMin;         --- the right-left boundaries of the segment, in cm.
  double xMax;

  double yMin;         --- the up-down boundaries of the segment, in cm.
  double yMax;

} deaGeomBounds_t;

3.2 deaGeom_t

Defines the geometry of the DEA

typedef struct
  int runNo;           --- run number for which the data was loaded
  int flags;           --- reserved for future use

  vector3_t origin;    /* origin of the DEA-local coordinates */
  vector3_t normalv;   /* vector defines the normal to the DEA plane */
  vector3_t yv;        /* the "up" vector */
  vector3_t xv;        /* the "left-right" vector. defined to form a right-handed
                          coordinate system */

  double depth;        --- depth of the DEA along the Z axis

  deaGeomBounds_t dea12;  --- the top segment (channels 1 amd 2)
  deaGeomBounds_t dea3;   --- the closed side segment (channel 3)
  deaGeomBounds_t dea4;   --- the open side segment (channel 4)
  deaGeomBounds_t dea56;  --- the bottom segment (channels 5 and 6)

} deaGeom_t;

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