E852 Documentation: Tape Database

E852 Documentation: Tape Database

Tape Database files

The tape database file is $E852_TAPES/Tapes.gdbm

Programs to access and manipulate the Tape Database

Database format

The database format was designed to allow easy access to the data from programs written using the perl5 programming language and to allow the database to be updated in real time.

The database is managed by the GNU gdbm library, which was selected for following reasons:

Database Key format

The database key format is:

Data field format


Although the database is kept in the ASCII format, both the key and the data fields are *not* zero-terminated, which creates problems when accessing the database from a C program.

See also

See the source code for the programs documented in this page as examples on how to access the database information.

//CO 1995-01-17
updated: CO 1995-04-05
end file