E852 Documentation: Software: SCCS

E852 Code management System

   The E852 Source code is managed by SCCS. 

   The SCCS tree is currently physically located on


   It is (strongly) advised to always reference it as /home/lemond/e852/source.

   Under the .../e852/source are located various subsystems. Most important are-

   include/        - where all the E852 include files are kept
   makefiles/      - where commonly used Makefiles are kept

   analyzer/       - the E852 online/offline analysis program 'a1' is living here
   libFm_c/        - these directories contain sources
   libXplot/         for the corresponding libraries
   Small tutorial on our code management system-

   2.1)  The best way to interface with the e852 SCCS system
	 is to use the Motif interface program e852sccs.  A 
	 man page is available (man e852sccs).  This allows,
	 through a graphical user interface access to the
         e852 software, including 'get', 'reserve', 'replace'
	 and other useful functions.

   2.2) Sometimes it is simpler or faster to preform SCCS operations
	from the command line:

        To extract files from SCCS for looking at them only, use
              > sccs get FILENAME

        To extract files for editing ('reserve' them), use
              > sccs edit FILENAME

        To put the file back into SCCS after editing ('replace' it), use
              > sccs delget FILENAME

        it is a good idea not to keep files reserved for long
        because until you replace them, nobody else has access to the changes.

        To see the list of currently reserved files, use
              > sccs info

   2.3) SCCS id.

        Try this: '/bin/what /home/lemond/e852/lib/libUtil.a | sort -u'
        The output will tell, what versions of software is in a
        library, object or executable file.

        To produce this information, the source file should contain
        an 'sccsid' string. The simplest way to make one is to copy it from
        .../include/sccsid.h. Note- do not '#include' sccsid.h- it would not
        work as you want it to...

end file
original: CO somewhen 199[2-4]
revised: DPW somewhen
revised: CO 1995-03-16