How to unpack the RAW data

Include files and libraries

Below is the list of related include files: Below is the list of necessary libraries:

Initialization (once per run)

The following code has to be executed once per run: #include <param.h> #include <unpackData.h> int runNo; // current run number param_loadDatabase("master",runNo); unpack_loadMaps();

To unpack an event (once per event)

The following code has to be executed to unpack an event: #include <unpackData.h> itape_header_t *event; // pointer to the event buffer int eventsize; // size of the event buffer unpack_data(event,eventsize); Note that the event buffer should be large enough to accomodate the largest possible event (currently BOS and EOS events). The suggested buffer size is 200 Kbytes.
CO 1995-15-17 updated: CO 1996-02-17