import os,sys from math import sqrt import ROOT import hddm_s import itertools dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ifs = hddm_s.istream(sys.argv[1]) ifs4 = hddm_s.istream(sys.argv[2]) abbrev = "tof" name = "Time of Flight Detector - " particle_list = ["Gamma","Positron","Electron","Neutrino","Muon+","Muon-","Pion0","Pion+","Pion-","Kaon0 Long","Kaon+","Kaon-","Neutron","Proton","Antiproton"] #This function sets axis titles for an array of histograms def AxisTitles(hists, x, y="Frequency", z=""): for hist in hists: hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(x) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(y) if z != "": hist.GetZaxis().SetTitle(z) #This function sets an array of histograms' line color to red def SetRed(hists): for hist in hists: hist.SetLineColor(2) #Initializes the histograms to be filled by the data t_list=[] for num in range(0,2): t_list.append(ROOT.TH1D(abbrev+"_t" + str(num),"TOF Truth Hit Time (HDGeant-HDGeant4): End " + str(num),500,-10,10)) pt_list = [] pp_list = [] pp2d_list = [] for num in range(0,2): s = "True" if num else "False" pt_list.append(ROOT.TH1D(abbrev+"_pt" + str(num),"TOF Truth Point Time (HDGeant-HDGeant4): Primary=" + s,500,-10,10)) pp_list.append(ROOT.TH1D(abbrev+"_pp" + str(num),name + "TOF Truth Point Momentum (HDGeant-HDGeant4): Primary=" + s,200,-0.1,0.1)) pp2d_list.append(ROOT.TH2D(abbrev+"_pp2d" + str(num),name + "TOF Truth Point Momentum (HDGeant-HDGeant4): Primary=" + s,60,0,6,100,-0.1,0.1)) #Sets the axes titles for each of the histograms AxisTitles(t_list, "#Delta Hit Time (HDGeant-HDGeant4) (ns)") AxisTitles(pt_list, "#Delta Point Time (HDGeant-HDGeant4) (ns)") AxisTitles(pp_list, "#Delta Momentum (HDGeant-HDGeant4) (GeV)") AxisTitles(pp2d_list, "Momentum (HDGeant) (GeV)", "Momentum (HDGeant-HDGeant4) (GeV)") #t_list[1].SetLineColor(3) count = 0 for rec,rec4 in itertools.izip(ifs,ifs4): physicsEvent = rec.getPhysicsEvents()[0] physicsEvent4 = rec4.getPhysicsEvents()[0] hitViews = physicsEvent.getHitViews() hitViews4 = physicsEvent4.getHitViews() reaction = physicsEvent.getReaction() vtx_t = reaction.getVertex().getOrigin().t reaction4 = physicsEvent4.getReaction() vtx_t4 = reaction4.getVertex().getOrigin().t for hitView,hitView4 in itertools.izip(hitViews,hitViews4): systems = hitView.getForwardTOFs() systems4 = hitView4.getForwardTOFs() if len(systems) != 0 and len(systems4) != 0: for system,system4 in itertools.izip(systems, systems4): pts = system.getFtofTruthPoints() pts4 = system4.getFtofTruthPoints() for pt in pts: for pt4 in pts4: if pt.ptype == pt4.ptype and pt.getTrackID().itrack == pt4.getTrackID().itrack: num = 1 if pt.primary else 0 flight_time = pt.t - vtx_t flight_time4 = pt4.t - vtx_t4 mom = sqrt(pt.px**2 +**2 + pt.pz**2) mom4 = sqrt(pt4.px**2 +**2 + pt4.pz**2) #pt_list[num].Fill(pt.t - pt4.t) pt_list[num].Fill(flight_time - flight_time4) pp_list[num].Fill( mom - mom4 ) pp2d_list[num].Fill( mom, mom - mom4 ) detectors = system.getFtofCounters() detectors4 = system4.getFtofCounters() if len(detectors) != 0 and len(detectors4) != 0: for detector,detector4 in itertools.izip(detectors, detectors4): hits = detector.getFtofTruthHits() hits4 = detector4.getFtofTruthHits() for hit in hits: extra = hit.getFtofTruthExtra() for hit4 in hits4: extra4 = hit4.getFtofTruthExtra() if hit.end == hit4.end and extra.ptype == extra4.ptype and extra.itrack == extra4.itrack: flight_time = pt.t - vtx_t flight_time4 = pt4.t - vtx_t4 #t_list[hit.end].Fill(hit.t-hit4.t) t_list[hit.end].Fill(flight_time - flight_time4) count+=1 if (count % 1000 == 0): print count print("\n") #Create the output file to keep the completed histograms for data outf = ROOT.TFile("tof_diff.root","recreate") for h in t_list + pt_list + pp_list + pp2d_list: h.Write() outf.Close() print("Complete")