Compare Observable, Ic with the data of g1c using the Qvalue method
Step 1 : Equation
W : center of mass energy [GeV]
δ(W) : the degree of the photon beam polarization in the center of mass energy
The electron beam polarization :
θ and φ : the π+ azimuthal and polar angle in the rest frame of the π+ π- system
-> (<-) : the direction of the beam polarization is parallerl (anti-parallel) to the beam direction
=> (<=) : the direction of the target polarization is parallerl (anti-parallel) to the beam direction
Step 2 : Comparion of the FROST g1a data with g1c data
Topology : γ p -> p π+ ( π- ) using Qvalue method
Butanol data w/o CL-cut (black) / g1c data(light blue)
( Topology 1 )
Butanol data w/ CL-cut (black) / g1c data(light blue)
( Topology 1 )