Target Polarization

Target Polarization, &Lambda(z)

Target Polarization updated by Jo

I have gotten her conclusion tables from " Checking Target Polarization " page.

Target Polarization updated in the Run List of the FROST wiki webpage

We assume the beam direction is the right.
The target polarization, L++ and L-- are the right direction (=>, that is, it is parallel to the beam).
L+- and L-+ are the left direction (<=, that is, it is anti-parallel to the beam).
Electron Beam Energy (GeV) Dates Run Range Target Polarization Comment
1.645 11/10/07 - 11/11/07 55521 - 55536 L+-(<=) 1/2 Wave plate IN
1.645 11/11/07 - 11/13/07 55537 - 55552 L+-(<=) 1/2 Wave plate OUT
1.645 11/14/07 - 11/20/07 55556 - 55595 L++(=>) 1/2 Wave plate IN
2.478 11/27/07 - 11/30/07 55604 - 55625 L-+(<=)
2.478 11/30/07 - 12/07/07 55630 - 55676 L--(=>)
2.478 02/04/08 - 02/07/07 56164 - 56193 L++(=>)
2.478 02/07/08 - 02/11/07 56196 - 56233 L+-(<=)

Compare serval varsions of Target Polarizations under the Circular Polarized Beam

In the data of the circular polarized beam of g9a, there are seven groups of runs with similar conditions (target polarization, 1/2 wavr plate status), I defined them as period. In the following table, the yellow parts are mismatched parts between Jo's results and results on the run-table (only Period 1,2,3, and 5). We need to check their status again.
Period Run Range TargPol(Jo) TargPol(run table) TargPol(web)
1 55521-55536 L++ L+- L+-
2 55537-55552 L++ L+- L+-
3 55556-55595 L+- L++ L++
4 55604-55625 L-+ L-+ L-+
5 55630-55676 L+- L-- L--
6 56164-56193 L++ L++ L++
7 56196-56233 L+- L+- L+-