C9 tubes, bases, voltage settings, and cabling
- The photomultiplier tube is an EMI model. Substitutions with
other brands are not allowed, because of slight variations in tube
diameter from manufacturer to manufacturer.
- The phototube base inputs and outputs are color coded:
Green (input) = -5.2 V
Yellow (input)= Threshold for the built-in discriminator, -2.5 V in E852.
Red (output) = Analog, wants to be terminated into 50 ohms
Blue (output)= Digital, ECL* (positive going, not being used by E852)
White(output)= Digital, ECL* (negative going)
*Both ECL outputs need standard termination & pulldowns.
- The base is set up to run the tube with the photocathode at ground (positive high voltage at the anode). In E852, as with the previous experiments, all phototube high voltages are run at +2.2kV.