Dr. Sean Dobbs is an Experimental Nuclear Particle Physicist at Florida State University.
His main research focus is testing the limits of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) through the search for novel states of quarks and gluons. These include multiquark states such as the 5-quark "pentaquark" candidate states that contain charm quarks recently seen by the LHCb experiment, and "hybrid" mesons which contain excitations of the gluonic field which binds the quarks together. He is also interested in the study of the structure of the proton using heavy (charm and beauty) quarks.
Dobbs currently conducts research primarly at the newly-constructed GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab (JLab) in Newport News, Virginia. He is also a co-spokesperson of the KLF Collaboration, which is pursuing spectroscopy using a beam of K-Long mesons at JLab, and is a member of the PANDA Collaboration, a proton-antiproton annihilation experiment located in Darmstadt, Germany.