College Physics A - PHY2053C
  Spring 2025

  Lectures: 101 Richards (UPL) - Monday and Wednesday from 9:20 AM to 10:10 AM

Course Leader: Dr. Volker Crede       Office: 212 Keen Building       Phone: (850) 644-2423     crede "@"
Office Hours: Monday 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Recitation Instructor: Dr. Vladimir Dobrosavljevic       Office: 611 Keen Building       Phone: (850) 64X-XXXX     vdobrosa "@"
Office Hours: Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Recitation Instructor: Dr. Todd Adams       Office: XXX Keen Building       Phone: (850) XXX-XXXX     tadams "@"
Office Hours: Xday X:00 - X:00 PM


Statement on Class Recordings

In this class, consistent with state law and university policy, students are permitted to make recordings of class lectures for personal use only. As noted, sharing, posting, or publishing classroom recordings may subject you to honor code violations and legal penalties associated with theft of intellectual property and violations of other state law. Moreover, students and educators have expressed concern that recording classroom activities may negatively impact the learning experience for others, especially in classes that involve questions, discussion, or participation. To protect a learning environment in which everyone feels free to experiment with ideas, we ask you to refrain from recording in ways that could make others feel reluctant to ask questions, explore new ideas, or otherwise participate in class. Students must monitor their recording so that they do not include participation by other students without permission. Students with disabilities will continue to have appropriate accommodations for recordings as established by the Office of Accessibility Services.

Course Description & Objectives

This course is the first in a two-part series intended for non-physics majors, offering an algebra and trigonometry approach to topics such as kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, and waves. The course fosters analytical and critical thinking skills to promote a scientific understanding of the real world.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will solve analytical problems describing different types of motion, including translational, rotational, and simple harmonic motion using algebra and trigonometry.
  2. Students will apply Newton's laws, and conservation laws by using algebra and trigonometry to solve analytical problems of mechanics.
  3. Students will identify and analyze relevant information presented in various formats such as graphs, tables, diagrams, and/or mathematical formulations.
  4. Students will solve real world problems using critical thinking skills and knowledge developed from this course.

Course Strategy

Central to the course is developing an ability to think for yourself. There is no simple way to gain this skill. It comes slowly over time and with practice. You must be actively involved to learn the material. The course is structured with this in mind.

Preparation: You are expected to read the relevant sections in the textbook prior to the lecture classes. It would be foolish to think that one can fully grasp physics by reading the material alone, so class time will be spent on clarifying and applying the material. Reading and preparing relevant material prior to class is a critical step in your learning. Past students have found that spending 1-2 hours per week reading and outlining the material saved 4-8 hours per week on work outside class.

Classes: Lectures, laboratory investigations followed by additional group exercises and discussions form the basis of this course. Results will be summarized and presented to the class and discussed. Class attendance is therefore vital to success, and is recorded and made part of your grade.

Collaborative Work: Scientists and engineers work in groups as well as alone. Social interactions are critical to their success. Most good ideas grow out of discussions with colleagues. This course encourages and incorporates collaborative teamwork, a skill that is valued by most employers of scientists, engineers, and technicians. As you work and study together, you and your partners will clarify confusing topics by asking each other questions, and critiquing your group assignments. Everyone benefits from cooperative learning. Expressing your ideas so that others can understand them helps clarify them for yourself.

Socratic Method (Constructivist Approach): Much of the class discourse will be through Socratic dialogue. In other words, questions will be used to encourage you to think about the underlying physics. Your questions will usually be answered with more questions, since simply answering your questions does not lead to you understanding the material. Having you link the ideas in your own mind to form the answer is much more useful. Questions will also be used to test your self-confidence, sometimes even when you have the correct answer. In the past, students have found this approach frustrating: a common complaint is that your professor "never teaches us anything, but expects us to learn it all ourselves". Experience has shown that discovering concepts for yourself, rather than having them described to you by someone with a lot of knowledge, leads to permanent gains in your understanding.


  College Physics (Chp. 1 - 17)
  by openstax

  Senior Contributing Authors
     Dr. Paul Peter Urone
     Dr. Roger Hinrichs

Class Meetings

Each student is registered for four class meetings every week:

  • Two lectures each week: Monday and Wednesday in UPL 101 (Richards Building) from 9:20 AM - 10:10 AM.
  • One recitation session: Thursday (see below)
  • One laboratory session: One day per week for three hours, can be Monday - Thursday depending on the section you are registered for. The lab room is either 105 or 1XX Richards Building (UPL).

Generally, we will use two lectures per week to outline the course material, for which the student is responsible, to present new concepts along with experimental demonstrations, to discuss some examples of problems, and to administer the monthly mini-exams. Lecture highlights will be made available on the course website and the lecture notes (in pdf format) will be posted on Canvas. These highlights will indicate the topics covered during the lectures and which textbook sections they were drawn from. However, these highlights and the notes may not contain all the information and explanations which will be presented during the lectures.

Thursday (Studio) Recitations

In Studio Physics Recitations, you are expected to work in groups of three discussing homework-like problems. However, every student must hand in a solution individually. In the solutions, you must write your group members’ names (clearly indicating your name) and session number in the top right corner of the report. A typical 75 minute class consists of a 10-15 minute instructor introduction, followed by a group problem session, and then possibly by the group presentations. During both the group problem sessions and group presentations there is a large amount of faculty-student interaction with much emphasis placed on clear problem-solving techniques.

Recitation accounts for 10% of the student's PHY2054C grade. Credit for recitation is based on preparing the relevant weekly topics and selected homework problems before the recitation class, and in-class group participation. To earn weekly credit, one must participate by coming prepared for recitation (50% of the grade) (show your neat and organized work on the selected problems from the weekly ExpertTA assignments) and participate by attending the recitation class as well as contributing to group in-class problem solving and presenting (50% of the grade). The recitation grade is not based on attendance alone, in that, if one just attends class but does not come prepared & participate, then one would not earn credit. Please contact your recitation instructor ahead of time if you are planning on missing a recitation.

We are offering several recitation sections on Thursday - you must attend the recitation section you are registered for. Recitations serve as a way for students to develop a better understanding of physics concepts and to develop problem-solving skills.

            Day   Time   Room               Instructor            
1  Thursday   08:00 - 09:15 AM   MCH 0303   Dr. Dobrosavljevic 
2  Thursday   09:45 - 11:00 AM   MCH 0303   Dr. Dobrosavljevic 
3  Thursday   11:30 AM - 12:45 PM   MCH 0303   Dr. Dobrosavljevic 

Laboratory Experiments

The purpose of the laboratory sessions is to gain hands-on experience with experimental devices, to develop skills in performing experiments, to learn methods for analyzing scientific data, and to relate the physics concepts covered in class to real experimental situations. The lab experiments count as 15% of your overall grade. Each student must complete a lab report for each experiment, following the format prescribed by the lab instructor, and turn the report in before leaving at the end of the lab session.

Any missed lab should be made up by arranging to attend another lab section that same week! Inform your own lab instructor about the situation as well as the instructor of the other lab section! Lab manuals can be downloaded from the Canvas course web site. . If you have any questions or problems with your lab section, or if you miss a lab and must make it up, please contact Dr. Adams. Please note that you cannot pass the course if you miss a lab! Laboratory classes will meet based on the schedule listed below:

            Day   Time   Room   Instructor 
1  Monday   Noon - 03:00 PM   Room 105       
7  Monday   03:30 - 06:30 PM   Room 105       
8  Tuesday   11:30 - 02:30 PM   Room 105       
2  Tuesday   03:00 - 06:00 PM   Room 105       
4   Wednesday    Noon - 3:00 PM   Room 105       
5   Wednesday    3:30 - 06:30 PM   Room 105       
3  Thursday   11:30 - 02:30 PM   Room 105       
6  Thursday   11:30 - 02:30 PM   Room 1XX       
9  Thursday   06:30 - 09:30 PM   Room 105       

Homework Assignments

There will be graded homework assignments using the ExpertTA system for every topic we cover, due on Sunday at 11:59 PM. Late submissions are possible until Tuesday at 11:59 PM following the original Sunday due date. Late work starts at 50%. Hints and other feedback are provided by the online system. You are encouraged to discuss the approach to the problems among yourselves; however, each of you is responsible for understanding the solution and submitting your own individual answers. Participating in a closed online group is considered unauthorized group work and is a violation of FSU's Honor Code (see item 3).

The name of the ExpertTA class is "PHY2053C (Spring 2025 - Crede)". You will have access to all the ExpertTA assignments through the course Canvas website. This will allow your ExpertTA scores to be automatically transferred back to the Canvas gradebook. Registration for ExpertTA can also be done through the Canvas course website. The first time you access ExpertTA through Canvas, you will be instructed on how to register and pay for the homework access.

iClicker Cloud: Audience Response System

You are required to purchase an i>clicker remote or the corresponding digital app for in-class (lecture) participation. i>clicker is a response system that allows you to respond to questions we pose during class, and you will be graded on that feedback and participation. Each i>clicker has a unique serial number on the back of the remote. Place a piece of scotch tape over that bar code and ID to preserve it. The i>clicker response system will be used every time in class, and you are responsible for bringing your remote (or your phone if you use the digital app).


At the beginning (and occasionally, in the middle) of each lecture class, we will ask a few questions based on the reading assignments or on the material of the previous lecture. For every question, you will receive one point for participation. All additional in-class questions are also worth one participation point.


Three mini-exams will be given during the semester. The examination problems will be based on the subjects covered in both the ExpertTA and the textbook problem sets. Remember to try the "Blank Paper Test" when you prepare for the examination: try to solve the problems yourself first without looking at the solutions. If you need to use the solutions for help (which many times you might), go back and try the same problem again later to see if you have learned how to do it on your own. However, memorizing a sequence of steps will not help you since the goal of this course is to teach you the physics concepts and how to apply them in different situations. Relevant problem-solving strategies will be discussed during each Thursday's recitation session. Below are a few rules and common questions about the exams and their grading:

  • The mini-exams will be given at the designated Wednesday lecture times (see the course schedule) and each will take the full 50 minutes of the lecture time in UPL 101.
  • The material covered in each exam will be that specified in the syllabus (see the course schedule) and based closely on concepts related to the recent ExpertTA assignments and recommended textbook questions and problems. You should note, however, that you are responsible for all the material covered in the lectures.
  • You cannot miss a mini-exam in this course! If you do so for a valid and documented reason, you must take a make-up exam which is offered a week after the actual mini-exam (on Wednesday at 12 Noon). There will be no exceptions!
  • Students arriving late will be required to submit their exams by the same deadline as the rest of the class.
  • Exams arranged with the Office of Accessibility Services must be scheduled at the same time as the regular exam (or make-up exam).
  • Each student is responsible for bringing a working calculator to each exam; no sharing is allowed. You will also not be allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator, because your cell phone is not allowed to be with you turned on in the test room.
  • Do not program formulae into your calculator - this is cheating and will be treated as such.
  • Don't cheat! The first instance of cheating on an exam results in a grade of zero points for that exam, the second results in an "F" for the course. Remember you are responsible to follow the FSU Honor Code.
  • Any questions you have about the grading of the exams must be resolved within 2 weeks of making the grades available on Canvas.

The use of any electronic device other than a calculator on a quiz or exam is a violation of the Honor Code. A formula sheet will be provided for the mini-exams and the Final.

Final Exam

The Final Exam will be held on Tuesday April 29th, 2025, from 12:30 - 02:30 PM in XXX XXX.
The final exam is cumulative and you must take the exam to pass the course. There will be no exceptions!

Class Canvas Site

Please look to the class Canvas site for additional resources. The site contains links to this syllabus, the course calendar with problem assignments, each days activities and deadlines, and other resources. If you have any suggestions for improvements, do not hesitate to let me know.

Learning Environment

The goal of the course is for you to learn physics. There are many resources to help you learn, including your book, your classmates, your instructor and teaching assistants, and the class web page. You should take advantage of as many of these as you need in order to learn the material. If, at any point during the course, you feel your performance is slipping, immediately seek assistance. Please do not wait until the day before a mini-exam or the Final to ask for help. We are available to help during class, office hours, and other hours by appointment. Please send an e-mail or call our offices to make sure we are available during non-office hours.

This is a college course and we expect an appropriate learning environment. If you use your cell phone for a call, texting, or web browsing, you will be asked to leave the classroom, and you will not get credit for being present that day. Using a cell phone for any purpose during a quiz or exam is considered a violation of the academic honor policy (see below).

University Attendance Policy

Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the immediate family and other documented family crises, calls to active military duty or jury duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. These absences will be accommodated in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Consideration will also be given to students whose dependent children experience serious illness.

Academic Honor Policy

The Florida State University Academic Honor Policy outlines the University's expectations for the integrity of students' academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty members throughout the process. Students are responsible for reading the Academic Honor Policy and for living up to their pledge to "... be honest and truthful and ... [to] strive for personal and institutional integrity at Florida State University." (Florida State University Academic Honor Policy, found at )

Americans With Disabilities Act

Florida State University (FSU) values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation. Our goal is to create learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive, and welcoming. FSU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities in a manner that is consistent with academic standards of the course while empowering the student to meet integral requirements of the course.

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should: (1) register with and provide documentation to the Office of Accessibility Services; and (2) request a letter from the Office of Accessibility Services to be sent to the instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type; and (3) meet (in person, via phone, email, skype, zoom, etc...) with each instructor to whom a letter of accommodation was sent to review approved accommodations. Please note that instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the Office of Accessibility Services has been provided. This syllabus and other class materials are available in an alternative format upon request.

For the latest version of this statement and more information about services available to FSU students with disabilities, contact the:

Office of Accessibility Services
874 Traditions Way
108 Student Services Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4167
(850) 644-9566 (voice)
(850) 644-8504 (TDD)

Academic Success:

Your academic success is a top priority for Florida State University. University resources to help you succeed include tutoring centers, computer labs, counseling and health services, and services for designated groups, such as veterans and students with disabilities. The following information is not exhaustive, so please check with your advisor or the Department of Student Support and Transitions to learn more.

Confidential Campus Resources:

Various centers and programs are available to assist students with navigating stressors that might impact academic success. These include the following:

Victim Advocate Program
University Center A, Rm. 4100
(850) 644-7161
Available 24/7/365
Office Hours: M-F 8-5

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Florida State University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) primary mission is to address psychological needs and personal concerns, which may interfere with students’ academic progress, social development, and emotional well-being. The following in-person and virtual (tele-mental health) services are available to all enrolled students residing in the state of Florida:

1. Individual therapy
2. Group therapy
3. Crisis Intervention
4. Psychoeducational and outreach programming
5. After hours crisis-hotline
6. Access to community providers for specialized treatment

Call 850-644-TALK (8255) for more information on how to initiate services.

Counseling and Psychological Services

250 Askew Student Life Center
942 Learning Way
(850) 644-TALK (8255)
Walk-in and Appointment Hours:
M-F 8 am – 4 pm

Services at UHS are available to all enrolled students residing in Florida:

The mission of University Health Services (UHS) is to promote and improve the overall health and well-being of FSU students. UHS provides a coordinated continuum of care through prevention, intervention, and treatment. Services include general medical care, priority care, gynecological services, physicals, allergy injection clinic, immunizations, diagnostic imaging, physical therapy, and a medical response unit. The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW) assists students in their academic success through individual, group, and population-based health and wellness initiatives. Topics include wellness, alcohol and other drugs, hazing prevention, nutrition and body image, sexual health, and power based personal violence prevention. For more information, go to

University Health Services
Health and Wellness Center
960 Learning Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Hours: M-F, 8 am – 4 pm
(850) 644-6230


You can only complete the course and receive a grade better than "F" if you attempt all mini-exams and the final exam. You also must attend all laboratory sessions and submit satisfactory lab reports to the lab instructor for each session.

Your point total for the course will be determined by a combination of the laboratories (15%), class mini-exams (36%), the final exam (24%), in-class questions based on a personal response system (5%), recitations + hand-in problems (10%), and homework assignments (10%). If you do miss an exam for a valid reason, you must make it up! It is your responsibility to arrange the make-up exam with your instructor. You may earn a maximum of 100 points in the course. All individual grades (for homework assignments, mini-exams, etc.) will be posted regularly to your Canvas grade book. Please check your grade book frequently and report any mistakes you may find as soon as possible!

Your total course average will be converted into a letter grade. The table below gives you an estimate of the breakpoints for the grades this semester (Default Canvas Grading Scheme). These breakpoints may change, but only in your favor!

(Fall 2024) 
92.00 A/A-
88.00 A-/B+
85.00 B+/B
82.00 B/B-
78.00 B-/C+
75.00 C+/C
72.00 C/C-
67.00  C-/D+ 
65.00 D+/D
62.00 D/D-
58.00 D-/F

Resources for Students

We want you all to do well in this course. Several resources are available to help you:

  1. Textbook: An excellent source of information. Read it and work the problems at the end of each chapter!

  2. Classes: Attend lectures and recitations! Ask questions and get involved in the discussions.

  3. Office Hours: Make use of the scheduled office hours for help with homework problems and other matters that arise during the course.

  4. Physics Department Consultation Sessions: A graduate student is available to assist you with homework problems and exam preparations. As of this writing, We do not know the times for these sessions. Please ask us if you are interested!

Free Tutoring from FSU

For tutoring and writing help in many courses at Florida State University, visit the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ comprehensive list of tutoring options - see or contact for more information. High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity.

PRE Program @ ACE: Free Academic Assistance

This class will be participating in the Proactive Referral and Engagement (PRE) program ( The purpose of this program is to give you early academic assistance and advice so that you succeed in this class. Therefore, your course instructor may share information about your class performance with Dr. Samantha Tackett, who may reach out to you via email or phone. She and ACE staff can connect you to one-on-one assistance with study skills tutors to discuss time management, developing a study plan, finding tutoring, and/or connecting with offices to support your success. If you would like to contact Dr. Samantha Tackett directly, please use the information below:

Email: stackett "@"
Phone: 850-645-4047
Office: William Johnston Building G015B

Some Sensible Advice

It will be great if everyone passes this course. Unfortunately, some people find doing physics rather difficult. Below are a few tips to help make your adventures in physics fun.

  • This course is no pushover. Physics is based on understanding, not remembering. We will do all we can to help you, but only you know whether you really understand something or not! Test yourself on additional problems. If, after reading additional problems, you have no idea how to solve them, then you have not understood the concepts. Do not just memorize the answers to selected problems!
  • To gain confidence on physics concepts, practice the easier problems first.
  • When you work on a problem, always ask yourself if the answer or the solution is reasonable. Remember to use units!
  • When you prepare for the exams, make sure you understand and can do all the homework problems. You are strongly encouraged to do extra problems. Again, do not just memorize the solutions.
  • Attend all classes and the recitation sessions! There happens to be a strong correlation between lecture attendance and student performance.
  • Use the textbook! You paid good money for it! Try to find the time to look over a chapter before it is covered in class. You may not understand the material after the first reading, but it will be clear after a while. Learning is a repetitive process.
  • Find a study partner. We strongly encourage students to study and learn together.
  • Finally, don't give up or sit for hours trying to understand the homework! Come and discuss your solution with me. Often you will be much closer than you think to being able to solve a problem.

Liberal Studies Program:

The Liberal Studies Program at Florida State University has been designed to provide a perspective on the qualities, accomplishments, and aspirations of human beings, the past and present civilizations we have created, and the natural and technological world we inhabit. This course has been approved as meeting the requirements for Liberal Studies Area V, Natural Science, and in combination with your other Liberal Studies courses, provides an important foundation for your lifelong quest for knowledge.

Syllabus Change:

Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.

This syllabus and other class materials are available in alternative format upon request.

Good luck and we hope you enjoy the course!