[FSU Seal Image]
Florida State University
College Physics A - Spring 2024
Integrated Lecture / Lab
(PHY 2053C)

Course Objectives
FSU Physics / FSU
    Volker Crede

Monday and Wednesday 9:20 - 10:10 AM  -  UPL 0101

Thursday (Recitations):
8:00 - 9:15 AM,  9:45 - 11:00 AM,  11:30 AM - 12:45 PM  -   MCH 0303

  Course Links:

  Calendar         Laboratories

Expert TA

  Useful Links / Study Hints

Mini-Exam I:
Wednesday, February 14th

Mini-Exam II:
Wednesday, March 6th

Mini-Exam III:
Wednesday, April 3rd

Final Exam:
Tuesday, April 30th
EOA 1050, 12:30 - 2:30 PM

PHY 2053C - Welcome

We are happy to have you with us this semester. Our goal is to give you the opportunity to understand the basic concepts of physics relating to mechanics and mechanical waves, temperature (and thermodynamics). We promise to explain physics in an interesting and stimulating way; physics can actually be fun!

The lectures will concentrate on the critical issues and you are expected to study the text to obtain a better understanding of the underlying physics concepts. The subject matter discussed in class will generally follow the text, with additional material presented from information not yet in the textbooks. We (your instructors) are hoping to share some of our enthusiasm with you this semester!

College Physics - OpenStax


  Dr. Volker Crede
     Office: Keen 212
     Phone: (850) 644-2423
     crede "@" fsu.edu

  Office hours: Monday 1 - 3 PM


  Dr. Sergio Almaraz-Calderon
     Office: Keen 216
     Phone: (850) 645-9215
     salmarazcalderon "@" fsu.edu

  Office hours: Wednesday 1 - 3 PM


  Dr. Jorge Piekarewicz
     Office: Keen 204
     Phone: (850) 64X-XXXX
     jpiekarewicz "@" fsu.edu

  Office hours: Tuesday 1 - 3 PM

  Listed textbook:

  • College Physics
    Senior Contributing Authors: Paul Peter Urone and Roger Hinrichs
    Available for free at OpenStax.

  • Available also as Hardcover and Paperback in the campus
    and Bill's bookstores.

College Physics - Openstax

Last Update: Thursday, January 7th, 2024

Links to Cool Physics Pages