E852 Documentation: Trigger

E852 Documentation: Trigger

Trigger for the 1993 Run

To get information concerning the trigger setup during our 1993 run, contact John Dowd.

Triggers for the 1994 Run

Click here to see a list of available trigger diagrams.

Triggers for the 1995 Run

Click here to see a list of trigger diagrams.

Trigger assigments and readout

Trigger 1- charged   (everything is read out)
Trigger 2- neutral   (drift chambers are not read out)
Trigger 3- LGD pulser
Trigger 4- CSI aux
Trigger 5-
Trigger 6- 'low' dead-time trigger (nothing is read-out except E787 latches

Trigger elements readout

Some trigger elements were read out through a TDC. This TDC is unpacked into the GROUP_TRIGGER_TDCS group. The channel assignments of this group is given here.

MLU programming

Click here to see the man page on currently available MLU programming tools.

DAQ Trigger

Click here to see documentation on the DAQ trigger.


The 1997 extension run of E852 will use the RAM in conjunction with C9 and H9 to define charged Kaon candidates. Click here to see documentation on the RAM.

Triggers for the 1997 Run

Click here to see a list of trigger diagrams.

Decay Modes

Click here to see a list of decay modes.

Other information

Various Notes by different people